5 Reasons We Homeschool

 5 Reasons we HomeschoolHomeschool for a Reason

One of the main questions that I’ve been asked hundreds of times over the years of homeschooling is, “Why do you homeschool your kids?” While there are honestly many responses that I give, depending on the type of conversation I’m having, each response is going to go under these main 5 reasons.

1. We believe children were given to the family to educate.

We , like Abraham Kuyper, believe that children were not given to the church, nor were they given to the state, to educate. It is the responsibility of the family to raise their children to be a benefit to society as is befitting their worldview. In our post-modern culture we’ve been brainswashed to think that it is the school’s (government’s) job to turn out responsible, well-educated children, if you look in the Scripture there is no such insinuation. Homeschool allows us to be the primary educators of our children.

2. We believe Christian’s should give their kids a Christian education.

I believe that Christian’s need to be educating their kids with the view that God is foundation of all things. That His word is the standard, not only that we should live by, but also the standard by which we should also judge the world around us. If we are not raising them up with that goal, we are not doing what God commanded His people to do in Deuteronomy 6.

3. Our relationship with our kids is unrivaled.

Homeschool has allowed us to be friends with our children. We are the ones who know them the best. As a result, they are best friends with each other as well. They respect our opinions and wishes. We have earned their loyalty by the day to day routine of love and care and discipline. Homeschooling has been a primary factor in our relationship with them, and I can’t recommend it enough, for this reason.

4. It fits our lifestyle.

We come from generations of cattle ranchers. It is a wonderful heritage. We want our children to carry on that tradition. Homeschool allows us to teach our kids to love their heritage and to learn the desire to pass it along to their children. They are part of the every day work that we get to do,and they love it.

5. We don’t want them in government-run public school.

I know this one is touchy. But, in our country today, the government is actively anti-Christian. They routinely speak out against God’s Law. And the government is in charge of the school system, so it leads us to belive that they are actively teaching school children to hate God and His Law. Or at the very least, teaching them that God’s Law is relative and unimportant. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but you’ll have to prove me wrong on this one.

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