Top 10 Favorite Books for Boys

Top 10 Favorite Books for Boys

Today I am going to give you a list of my boys’ top 10 favorite books that we’ve read over the years. Some of them we’ve read yearly, some have been read a less frequently. But each of them has introduced my boys to “friends” and influences that I can see shape them as they grow into young men.

I have recommended these books to my boys or read them out loud to them over the years in order that they would be shaped into courageous and adventurous men.

My Boys’ Top 10 Favorite Books

Listed In Order of Preference

1. Farmer Boy
Laura Ingalls Wilder

[(Farmer Boy )] [Author: Laura Ingalls Wilder] [Jun-2004]

2. The Sign of the Beaver
Elizabeth George Speare

The Sign of the Beaver: A Newbery Honor Award Winner

3. Little Britches
Ralph Moody

Little Britches: Father and I Were Ranchers

4. A Horse and His Boy
C.S. Lewis

The Horse and His Boy

5. Blackthorn Winter
Douglas Wilson

Blackthorn Winter (Maritime Series Book 1)

6. All Creatures Great and Small
James Herriot

All Creatures Great and Small

7. The Bronze Bow
Elizabeth George Speare

The Bronze Bow: A Newbery Award Winner

8. The Golden Goblet
Eloise Jarvis McGraw

The Golden Goblet (Newbery Library, Puffin)

9. Brighty of the Grand Canyon
Marguerite Henry

Brighty of the Grand Canyon (Marguerite Henry Horseshoe Library)

10. Zeb Pike – Boy Traveler
Augusta Stevenson

Zeb Pike Boy Traveler

This is not an exhaustive list of books that I’d recommend for boys to read, but they are, by far, my boys’ most loved, most requested, most referenced books of all the ones we’ve read over the years. They are the books that are friends to my boys.

Book Series

A few of these books (Little Britches, Blackthorn Winter, and A Horse and His Boy) are parts of series, and we honestly loved the other books in the series’ just as much as the ones I recommended, but it’s hard to make a list include the entire series! So, for ease and aesthetic, I just listed individual books! Obviously, Farmer Boy is part of a series too, but my boys DO NOT recommend the rest of that series! My daughter would, but that’s for another post!

Click here to read our top 10 favorite books for girls!


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  1. […] this post I wrote about my boys’ top 10 favorite books. Today I’m going to share with you my top […]